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What is your gaming profile?


Despite a passion that remains common to us, there are different types of gamer and different associated practices. Indeed, to play in the most optimal way, you need gamer equipment adapted to your gaming practice in order to increase your comfort, your performance and the appearance of your setup .

So, which equipment is right for you?

To find out, all you have to do is analyze your needs in terms of playing the game in order to define the parameters of the equipment to choose. We have looked into the subject to help you find the Gamer in you and the equipment you need for maximum efficiency!


1. Casual Gamer: For fun

Casual or leisure gamer, you are a real casual gamer . Indeed, for you the game is a pleasure but occasional . You only play when you have time and don't think about geeking all day. Here are thegamer equipment best suited to your type of practice.

PC equipment for casual gamers

For you, casual gamer , here is the gamer equipment you need for your setup:

  • A mouse pad: an essential element for a casual gamer, the mouse pad is an undeniable comfort accessory for your gaming sessions. Indeed, it will allow you to play in optimal conditions with better fluidity in your movements and support gentle on your wrists.
  • A gaming chair for comfort: In order to have the best seat for relieving the pressure points of your body, it is important to choose the right gaming chair. The latter will allow you maximum comfort for preserved health.


2. The informed Gamer: good equipment

You play many hours but you have not chosen to make it your job or to compete? You are in the category of informed gamer .

Indeed, passionate about the world of gaming and regular player , you must ensure that your setup is up to your performance. Here is the pc equipment necessary for the gamer profiles called "Informed Gamer".

PC equipment for the savvy gamer

  • An XXL mouse pad : For wrist support and better grip when you're on the move. You need to favor an XXL mouse pad .
  • A gaming chair: A savvy gamer setup without a gaming chair is not a real setup. So it's up to you to find a chair with your back to be able to spend many hours of play in a seated position, while preserving your comfort and your health . Your performance will only be better.
  • A gaming mouse: A good gaming mouse is equipment that should not be overlooked when you are a seasoned gamer. Indeed, it will bring you comfort, fluidity, speed and therefore improve your gaming performance. It's up to you to choose the characteristics of the ideal gaming mouse according to your favorite types of games.
  • A mechanical keyboard: To have a perfect setup you must find the right control device , a mechanical keyboard. The latter will allow you to play in the best possible way by optimizing the movements of your hands and fingers . It's up to you to select the keyboard that best meets your preferences and apprehensions. Note that a mouse/keyboard combo will allow you much better versatility and efficiency .
  • A headset : This so-called perception device is essential for listening, exchanging and immersing yourself in the atmosphere of your favorite games. So solicit your hearing and enjoy the sound effects of your games while interacting with different players or your team.


3. The Esport Player

If playing is your job and you are a gaming professional , you fall into the following gamer profile category: the Esport player . Yes, you always need more performance in order to achieve your main objective: to win!

Your gaming equipment is therefore your professional equipment and must be chosen carefully to allow you long winning sessions. For some of you, it will even be possible to get sponsored by professional brands .

The PC equipment of the eSport player

  • An XXL mouse pad: In order to have maximum performance and flexibility in your gestures during your gaming sessions, we advise you to choose your XXL mouse pad carefully. This will give you room to play and make all the moves you need to win your games.
  • A top-of-the-range gaming chair: Your comfort, the support of your body and an optimal position are obviously necessary for you if you want to be able to “support” entire days of games. The importance ofa good gaming chair is therefore paramount. You need to find the chair that will give you the best support , with superior components, and this for unfailing durability.
  • A high sensitivity gaming mouse: In order to satisfy your desire for victory, a high sensitivity gaming mouse will suit you better in order to have grip, flexibility, efficiency, fluidity and precision in your movements.
  • A mechanical keyboard : The choice of a mechanical keyboard is also important for an efficient and effective setup. Test and choose the keyboard that will allow you fluidity of play and ease of execution .
  • A PC gamer screen of at least 144Hz : One of the most important gamer equipment is obviously a PC gamer screen of at least 144Hz. Indeed, the pleasure and efficiency of the game is achieved thanks to a quality screen in order to clearly see the graphics and increase your precision in the game. We also recommend that you take several screens in order to be more comfortable.
  • Gaming glasses: In order to relieve your eyes during gaming sessions, it is advisable to wear gaming glasses . This will allow you performance and ocular well-being.


4. The Streamer or Content Creator

Follower of YouTube, websites and Stream , your gamer profile is that of the Streamer or Content Creator.

In order to make your videos and content quality publications , you will have to focus onvery technical gamer setups that are much more advanced than normal. Here are the pc equipment that we recommend:

The PC equipment of the Streamer or Content Creator

  • An XXL mouse pad: For technicality and performance worthy of the greatest videographers and Youtubers, the XXL mouse pad is important. Indeed, it will allow you dexterity in your work and comfort of movement.
  • A high-end gaming chair: In order to increase your performance without any body aches, following many hours in front of your screen, you must opt ​​for a well-equipped and comfortable gaming chair. Do not skimp on the quality of the components and the comfort elements such as the cushions, the 4D armrests or the possibility of adjusting your chair.
  • A gaming mouse : Of course, a gaming mouse seems more than essential. It's up to you to find the mouse that suits you best in terms of design, comfort and precision.
  • A mechanical keyboard: To be able to juggle between your mouse, the keyboard and the different technical components of your setup, you need to find the right mechanical keyboard. It's up to you to test and choose according to your typing sensations.
  • A stand microphone: To ensure that your gaming equipment is adapted to the demands of your audience, it is important that you have a stand microphone. Indeed, this gamer equipment is worthy of any professional and will allow you to record your videos and converse effectively and with quality sound.
  • A quality webcam : A quality webcam will also allow you to produce non-pixelated content and therefore have a clear image . It is a very important element of a gamer setup, especially for professionals like you.
  • A large gamer desk for multi-screen: To work optimally and efficiently, it is recommended to opt for a large gamer desk in order to be able to accommodate several screens as well as all your work equipment. Also think about equipment such as cup holders, helmet holders, lights , etc.

As you will have understood, each gamer profile has its gaming equipment . It is important to focus on quality equipment to improve your performance as well as the durability of your products. With superior comfort you will be sure that in terms of efficiency and perfection of play you will be a winner .

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